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Revealed the fact of an attempt to smuggle 40 thousand US dollars inside sneakers
The customs authorities timely prevent the facts of illegal export of cash foreign currency through the customs borders of our state.
Revealed the fact of an attempt to smuggle 40 thousand US dollars inside sneakers

In particular, at the Dustlik border customs post of the in Andijan region, the attention of customs officers was attracted by the unusual behavior of a citizen on his way to a neighboring state.
During the customs inspection, a total of 40 thousand US dollars hidden inside the pairs of shoes were discovered.

Currently, foreign currency in cash has been withdrawn as material evidence and investigative measures are ongoing on this fact of the offense.

For reference: in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan On Currency Regulation" of October 22, 2019 No.LRU-573:

Import into the Republic of Uzbekistan of cash currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign currency by individuals is carried out without restrictions.

Export by individuals of cash currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign currency outside the Republic of Uzbekistan is carried out in an amount not exceeding the equivalent of one hundred million soums. Export of cash currency in an amount exceeding the established equivalent is carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Import into the Republic of Uzbekistan and export from the Republic of Uzbekistan of cash currency of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign currency by legal entities, with the exception of banks of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is prohibited.


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