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Customs officers revealed the fact of illegal import of more than 8 tons of kiwi fruit.
The other day, during the operational event held by the employees of the Alat border customs post in the Bukhara region, the fact of illegal import of a large consignment of fruits was stopped.
Customs officers revealed the fact of illegal import of more than 8 tons of kiwi fruit.

In particular, during the inspections carried out in respect of trucks arriving at the customs post several facts of violations were revealed.

As a result of customs inspection, in the cargo part of several trucks belonging to citizens B.U., Sh. Z., K.Z. and S.D.  8.6 tons more kiwis were discovered than was stated in the shipping documents. The total value of fruits not mentioned in the declaration amounted to 130 million 300 thousand soums.

Currently, customs checks are carried out on the facts of violations.


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