for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
The illicit trafficking of 2,570 pieces of unsecured virus blockers has been stopped Operative news

At a time when our people is fighting the pandemic with all its might, there are still unfortunate citizens who intend to take advantage of the opportunity to make a profit illegally.


Cannabis was grown in the garden secretly Operative news

The customs authorities are carrying out systematic work to prevent illicit drug circulation.


Customs clearance of imported oxygen concentrators is accelerated Statements

During the coronavirus pandemic, the need for artificial respiration equipment is increasing worldwide. Oxygen concentrators are especially important for patients with aggravated conditions.


A passenger coming to Urgench has drugs in his pocket Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against illicit drug trafficking.


41 million dollars worth of beans and peas were exported to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past period of this year, more than 20,000 tons of bean products worth a total of 29.4 million US dollars were exported from Surkhandarya through the customs posts of foreign economic activity under the customs administration of Surkhandarya region.


In Khorezm, customs officers exposed a citizen who was growing cannabis at home Operative news

Combating smuggling and customs audit department of the Khorezm regional customs administration in cooperation with the regional department of the State Security Service revealed another case of drug trafficking in the framework of the large-scale operation "Black Drug 2020" in Urgench.


Customs officers revealed a "hashish" hidden in a car Operative news

Employees of the Department of combating smuggling and customs Audit of the Syrdarya Regional Customs administration, in cooperation with representatives of other law enforcement agencies, held another operation in Shirin as part of the "Black Drug 2020" large-scale operation.


Drugs of unguaranteed quality hidden inside the pillow were revealed at customs post Operative news

Pillows sent by courier shipments to Navoi International Airport attracted the attention of customs officers.


What were the goods actually shown as kitchen knives? Operative news

Systematic work is being carried out by the customs authorities to identify illegal goods moving across the customs border.


Illegal drug trafficking has been revealed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against illegal drug trafficking.


The plan for the clandestine delivery of drugs has been failed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illegal storage and transportation of drugs of non-guaranteed quality and have a strong effect.


June 26 - International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Law enforcement activities

Everyone knows how destructive the effects of narcotic substances on the human body are. Drug - as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), a chemical agent that affects brain cells and causes irreversible effects in the human body, as well as stupor, coma or insensitivity to pain. The constant use of drugs leads to addiction, which is a serious disease called drug addiction.


The cadet of the Customs Institute took an active part in the international competition Meetings and seminars

Uralova Zilola, a cadet of the Customs Institute, presented her essay “The Great Step to the Prosperous Future of Mankind” at the first stage of the “2020 International Essay Contest for Young People” competition organized by The Goi Peace Foundation (Japan) and UNESCO on June 15.


The drug trade has failed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against illicit drug trafficking.


Fridge used as drug-storage Operative news

Customs authorities are working hard to combat illicit drug trafficking.


A press conference was held for journalists press

The press conference was held at the State Customs Committee on the measures taken in the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On reforming the customs administration and improving the activities of the State Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan."


Cannabis secretly grown in a house has been revealed Operative news

Customs authorities are taking effective measures against offenses, such as illegal store, distribution and sale of drugs.


Tobacco products worth 36 million soums were flowing in the canal Operative news

Customs authorities are systematically fight against smuggling of tobacco products of unknown quality.


Drugs were found in "Lacetti" Operative news

In order to ensure the peace of the people in our country, the customs authorities are waging a fierce fight against drug trafficking.


Drug dealer didn't get his harvest Operative news

During the quarantine period, many people are spending their free time cultivating fields, engaged in fruit and vegetable growing, gardening and floriculture. It brings more blessings to our home.


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