for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
A press conference was held for journalists
The press conference was held at the State Customs Committee on the measures taken in the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On reforming the customs administration and improving the activities of the State Customs Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan."
A press conference was held for journalists

Representatives of the media and participants of foreign economic activity were given detailed explanations on the content of the decree.

It was noted that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PD-6005 "On reforming the customs administration and improving the activities of the state customs service of the Republic of Uzbekistan" signed on June 5, 2020, further reform and increase the efficiency of customs authorities, formation of a “digital customs” and the implementation of international norms and standards in customs legislation into national legislation will be continued.

According to the decree, the concept of increasing the efficiency of the state customs service of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved.

The concept identifies the principles of foreign economic activity in 2020-2023 and the following main directions of reforming the activities of customs authorities:

 development of the activities of customs authorities and infrastructure facilities;

 ensuring transparency and efficiency of customs authorities in the digital economy through the introduction of modern and advanced information and communication technologies in the customs sector;

 improving the implementation of fiscal functions of customs authorities, simplification of tariff and non-tariff regulation of FEA;

 training and retraining of customs officials as well as further training and capacity building, strengthening their social protection;

 further development of mutually beneficial cooperation with international organizations and customs services of foreign countries.

 from August 1, 2020, railway transport organizations will provide the customs authorities with real-time information on the movement of wagons and containers under customs control through the integration of their information systems into the information systems of the customs authorities;

 from September 1, 2020, the introduction of the customs information system "Single Window" at border customs posts;

 introduction of the risk management system of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan at automobile border customs posts;

 reduction of tracking of goods by expanding the use of alternative forms of customs control;

In the structure of the State Customs Committee on the implementation of the State Program approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, separate structural units for customs audit and control of notarial regulation of foreign economic activity have been established.

Through the establishment of these structures, effectively control the goods in "blue corridor" of the automated information system of customs authorities and in conditionally free circulation regime, as well as increasing the efficiency of coordination the activities of state authorities, in order to simplifying the functions of state control, at border checkpoints will be achieved.

A new structure for coordination of integration processes within the Department of International Cooperation also Customs audit and the Situation center within the Department for Combating smuggling and customs violations of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan will be established.

Customs audit - involves the implementation of procedures for customs control after the release of goods, the Situation center - is aimed at studying the general situation in the customs offices and the prevention of congestion.

At the same time, the Department of Information and Communication Technologies of the State Customs Committee will develop an automated information system "Customs Audit" for post-customs inspection of high-risk goods and vehicles, with the help of AIS "Risk Management".  

In international practice, the use of this form of customs control has the following advantages:

  1. After the release of goods, the possibility of complex inspection of goods within the principles of risk, leads to the reduction of control measures in the process of entry of goods into the customs border and customs clearance.
  2. Since this form of control is directly aimed at determining the value of the goods specified in the declaration, the country of origin and the FEA CN code, such discrepancies prevent the goods from remaining in customs warehouses. If they are confirmed during the audit, the deficit will be recovered.
  3. This form of control shall be directed to the study of a specific group of goods, avoiding mass inspection by the customs authority.
  4. Voluntary appeal of business entities in cases of incorrect declaration leads to the degree of exemption from liability.

At the same time, a system of customs clearance through a mobile application will be introduced.

It was also mentioned that customs authorities will implement the practice of replacing the control book of cargo delivery with the transit customs cargo declaration and the introduction of an automated information system "E-TRANZIT".

Such reforms in the sector play an important role in establishing a system of control over goods not at the border, but before the entry of goods or after their free circulation within the country, and create a wide range of benefits for participants in foreign economic activity.


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