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Cannabis secretly grown in a house has been revealed
Customs authorities are taking effective measures against offenses, such as illegal store, distribution and sale of drugs.
Cannabis secretly grown in a house has been revealed

In particular, employees of the customs administration of Khorezm region, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, held an emergency operation in Urgench district.

During the event, the residence of citizen T.M. was inspected in prescribed manner.

As a result, it was found out that 2 bushes of cannabis were grown in the garden of this person, and in his house there was  0.5 liter glue container used for drug consumption, which was taken as material evidence.

In another case, the residence of V.B., a resident of the district, was inspected in prescribed manner.

As a result of the investigation, it was revealed that citizen V.B. was secretly planting and cultivating 2 cannabis plants in his house.

An investigation is under way.


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