for entrepreneurs and
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A passenger coming to Urgench has drugs in his pocket
The customs authorities are systematically fighting against illicit drug trafficking.
A passenger coming to Urgench has drugs in his pocket

In particular, the staff of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Customs Audit of the Customs Administration of Khorezm region, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, carried out operational measures against drug trafficking.

During the event, a car "Cobalt" traveling on the route "Tashkent-Urgench" was stopped and inspected.

As a result, it was found that in the pocket and bags of a passenger I.M., who was coming as a passenger in the car, there was 154.5 grams of opium in plastic bags, 5 tablets of Tramadol and 1 tablet of Lyrica in one capsule.

They were seized as material evidence.

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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