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Attempts to smuggle jewelry were exposed Operative news

Attempts to smuggle jewelry into the country are being systematically combated by the customs authorities.


People trying to sell falcons for 280 million soums were stopped Operative news

According to the current procedures, the import or export of wildlife on the territory of the Republic is carried out on the basis of special permits issued by the State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Potent drugs hidden in "Damas" were uncovered Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against violations of customs legislation.


The illicit trafficking of marijuana has been stopped Operative news

In our country, the illegal cultivation, manufacture, sale and consumption of drugs is prohibited by law and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code provide criminal penalties.


The illicit trafficking of potent drugs worth 420 million soums was stopped. Operative news

The customs authorities are taking urgent measures to prevent the smuggling of potent drugs into the country.


Drug dealers was caught red handed Operative news

In our country, the illegal cultivation, production, sale and consumption of drugs is prohibited by law, and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code provide criminal penalties.


The plan to extract cultural values has failed

Systematic work is being carried out by the customs authorities to preserve our cultural heritage and prevent their illegal export from the territory of country.


Drugs hidden on a train wheel were exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are fighting against the smuggling of drugs into the country.


A plan to extract 103 grams of molten gold has been revealed Operative news

Ongoing work is underway to combat attempts to smuggle jewelry made of precious metals and precious stones using various tricks.


The devious way of smuggling commodity worth 1.1 bln UZS in Bukhara has failed. Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against attempts to evade customs control using various tricks.


At the capital's airport, customs officers revealed an unusual way of smuggling gold jewelry. Operative news

The customs officers of the country revealed a number of violations related to the smuggling of jewelry across the customs border.


The illicit trafficking of unsafe drugs has been prevented Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking of unsafe medicines.


Drugs worth 1.1 billion soums have been revealed Operative news

The customs officers of the country are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking and sale of powerful drugs.


Attempts to smuggle cash foreign currency were stopped in a timely manner Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against attempts to smuggle cash foreign currency out of the country using various tricks.


An attempt to smuggle jewelry was exposed Operative news

Customs authorities are effectively combating the illicit trafficking of jewelry made of precious metals and precious stones.


The drug in "Damas" has been exposed Operative news

In Andijan, customs officers, in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, uncovered drug trafficking during an operational event.


Ammunition smuggled into the country through the international airport was detected in a timely manner Operative news

The customs authorities are regularly taking measures against the smuggling of firearms and ammunition.


The illicit movement of potent drugs has been prevented Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking of hard drugs in the country.


Customs officers identified a citizen who grew hashish in his garden Operative news

In our country, the cultivation, production, sale and consumption of drugs is prohibited by law, and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code provide criminal penalties.


Customs officers have put an end to the illicit trafficking of perfumes worth 8.5 billion soums Operative news

Systematic work is being carried out in our country to reduce the shadow economy. In particular, during the operation carried out by the staff of the Main Department for combating smuggling and customs audit of the State Customs Committee, the activities of a person who illegally stored perfumes of unknown quality were stopped.


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