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Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported plums worth $ 13.9 million Spiritual and educational activities

In the first 10 months of this year, 23,404 tons of plums worth $ 13.9 mln. were cleared for export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported raisins worth $ 42.5 million Spiritual and educational activities

In the first 10 months of this year 31,550 tons of raisins worth $ 42.5 mln. were sent to export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported $ 8 million worth of beans Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year 7,699 tons of beans worth $8 mln. were sent for export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported $ 4.7 million worth of capers Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year more than 2,829 tons of capers worth $4.7 mln. were sent for export.


Two kilograms of hashish were found in a car Operative news

In our country, systematic measures are being taken to prevent drug trafficking and drug addiction.


The sale of more than 1 kilogram of marijuana has been prevented Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan has exported $ 13.8 million worth of TV sets this year. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year 119,425 TV sets worth $ 13.8 million have been cleared for export in Uzbekistan.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan has exported $ 5.2 million worth of refrigerators this year. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year 32,452 refrigerators worth $ 5.2 million have been cleared for export in Uzbekistan.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported $ 25 million worth of goods to Latvia this year Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year, products worth $ 25 million have been exported from Uzbekistan to Latvia.


Digit of the day: For the past period of the current year fruit juices and soft drinks for $ 11 million have been exported. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of 2020, Uzbekistan has exported 14,891 tons of fruit juices and soft drinks worth $ 11.1 million.


About 172.5 kilograms of narcotics tried to be smuggled through our country were uncovered. Operative news

Officers of the "Sariosiyo" railway border customs post of the Surkhandarya region's customs administration, in cooperation with the State Security Service, exposed an attempt to transit large quantities of drugs from the country.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan has exported $ 16 million worth of goods to Germany this year. Spiritual and educational activities

According to the State Customs Committee, as a result of exports to Germany, foreign exchange earnings in our country increased by $ 1.5 million compared to the same period of last year, and increase by 10%.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan have exported fish products worth $ 589,000. Spiritual and educational activities

Over 149 tons of fish products worth $ 588.8 thousand have been cleared for export in Uzbekistan over the first nine months of this year.


Persons involved in drug trafficking have been exposed Operative news

The customs authorities are systematically fighting against drug trafficking.


Customs officers put an end to illegal transit of goods worth 10 billion soums. Operative news

The Combating smuggling and customs audit department of the State Customs Committee, in cooperation with the customs administrations of Andijan and Tashkent regions, revealed a transit operation aimed at smuggling goods out of customs control.


Attempt to smuggle goods worth more than 4.5 billion soums has been exposed by customs officers Operative news

The customs officers of the country are putting an end to the actions of those who are trying to smuggle goods.


The person carrying 200 gr. of opium was arrested. Operative news

Drug addiction is one of the evils that plagues humanity today and leads families and society to destruction.


Drug trafficking has been stopped by customs officials Operative news

In our country, the cultivation, production, sale and consumption of drugs is prohibited by law, and the relevant articles of the Criminal Code provide criminal penalties.


The drug courier's plan came to naught Operative news

During a number of urgent measures taken by the customs authorities, drug trafficking is being stopped.


Customs officers put an end to the activities of a criminal group engaged in large-scale illegal imports Operative news

Today, our country has created many facilities in the customs sphere for participants in foreign economic activity.


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