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Attempt to smuggle goods worth more than 4.5 billion soums has been exposed by customs officers
The customs officers of the country are putting an end to the actions of those who are trying to smuggle goods.
Attempt to smuggle goods worth more than 4.5 billion soums has been exposed by customs officers

Employees of the Tashkent city customs department, "Chukursoy technical office" railway border customs post and "Chukursoy" foreign economic activity customs posts have stopped another attempt to smuggle large quantities of goods.
Images taken by an inspection complex of a railway container loaded with imported goods in the name of one of the limited liability companies in Tashkent attracted the attention of customs officers.
This is because the goods contained in the container were found to be inconsistent with the information in the relevant shipping documents.
According to the documents, the container was supposed to have more than 20.5 tons of 17 types of household goods. However, during the customs inspection, it was revealed that 5877 goods of 26 types in the container were not specified in the documents at all. And their total value was 1 billion 525 mln. soums. If the plan of this fake entrepreneurs had been succeeded then the state budget have received 78 mln. soums of customs duties only. However, for these goods, which were identified during the customs inspection, 377 mln. soums of customs duties must be paid.
The same situation was repeated during the inspection of goods imported in a railway container from abroad in the name of another limited liability company.
This time, in addition to inconsistencies in the documents with the existing goods, it was found that the information about the consignee was also changed.
It turned out that among the cargoes there were no pads and electrodes specified in the documents, and other goods mentioned in the documents were less than the specified amount.
During the customs inspection, it was found that the container contained about 20 tons of household goods of 45 names, which were not specified in the shipping documents, and the total value of these goods amounted to 3 billion 20 mln. soums.
For these goods, 1 billion 688 mln. soums of customs duties must be collected to the state budget.
And if the plan of this fake entrepreneurs had been succeeded , only 43 mln. soums of customs duties were paid.
As a result of operative measures the illicit trafficking of goods and materials worth 4.5 bln. UZS was stopped.
At present, the customs authorities are investigating the case.


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