for entrepreneurs and
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Spiritual and educational activities
Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported plums worth $ 13.9 million Spiritual and educational activities

In the first 10 months of this year, 23,404 tons of plums worth $ 13.9 mln. were cleared for export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported raisins worth $ 42.5 million Spiritual and educational activities

In the first 10 months of this year 31,550 tons of raisins worth $ 42.5 mln. were sent to export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported $ 8 million worth of beans Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year 7,699 tons of beans worth $8 mln. were sent for export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported $ 4.7 million worth of capers Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year more than 2,829 tons of capers worth $4.7 mln. were sent for export.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan has exported $ 13.8 million worth of TV sets this year. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year 119,425 TV sets worth $ 13.8 million have been cleared for export in Uzbekistan.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan has exported $ 5.2 million worth of refrigerators this year. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year 32,452 refrigerators worth $ 5.2 million have been cleared for export in Uzbekistan.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan exported $ 25 million worth of goods to Latvia this year Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of this year, products worth $ 25 million have been exported from Uzbekistan to Latvia.


Digit of the day: For the past period of the current year fruit juices and soft drinks for $ 11 million have been exported. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past 10 months of 2020, Uzbekistan has exported 14,891 tons of fruit juices and soft drinks worth $ 11.1 million.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan has exported $ 16 million worth of goods to Germany this year. Spiritual and educational activities

According to the State Customs Committee, as a result of exports to Germany, foreign exchange earnings in our country increased by $ 1.5 million compared to the same period of last year, and increase by 10%.


Digit of the day: Uzbekistan have exported fish products worth $ 589,000. Spiritual and educational activities

Over 149 tons of fish products worth $ 588.8 thousand have been cleared for export in Uzbekistan over the first nine months of this year.


41 million dollars worth of beans and peas were exported to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Spiritual and educational activities

Over the past period of this year, more than 20,000 tons of bean products worth a total of 29.4 million US dollars were exported from Surkhandarya through the customs posts of foreign economic activity under the customs administration of Surkhandarya region.


Processes are non stop at the customs post of foreign economic activity "Daryo Port" in the south of the country Spiritual and educational activities

The "coronavirus" pandemic, which shook the whole world, did not bypass our country. In this context, one of the main tasks is to ensure the economic stability of the country by supporting the export and import of goods.


Increase in Exports - The Prosperity of the Country! Spiritual and educational activities

At present, important reforms are being implemented to expand and liberalize entrepreneurship in the country, attraction of foreign direct investments, increase of export potential of our products, elimination of bureaucratic barriers that impede the full development of export and investment, further improvement of the state support of entrepreneurs, creation of favorable conditions for them and their comprehensive support.


A good entrepreneur is a state stand Spiritual and educational activities

In Syrdarya regional administration of customs committee there was held a comprehensive open dialogue on export promotion and optimization of imports with the responsible officials of regional tax offices , Syrdarya regional khokimiyat, regional prosecutor's office, department on combating economic crimes under the General Prosecutor's Office,all certification and licensing authorities operating in the region, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Regional Economic Department, regional offices of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan and commercial banks.


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