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Customs officers seized more than 5 kg of drugs.
Officers of the customs department of the Tashkent region in cooperation with the State Security Service have organized an operation to prevent drug smuggling.
Customs officers seized more than 5 kg of drugs.

During the operatively-search activities a resident of Almalyk city of Tashkent region T.V, who was previously prosecuted under article 273 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, was found to have a "hashish" near him. Also, six of his criminal associates were identified and detained while they were trying to sell drugs illegally.

During the operation, "hashish" weighing 3 kg 565 grams and 1 kg 997 grams of opium were seized as material evidence.

In the course of investigation it was established that the above drugs were illegally transported from the Republic of Tajikistan to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In this case, the customs authorities initiated a criminal case under articles 276, 273 and 246 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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