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Illegal drug trafficking was revealed
A try of Illegal trafficking of drugs was stopped by customs officers.
Illegal drug trafficking was revealed

In particular, during the operational activities of the Anti-Smuggling department of the Khorezm Regional Customs administration, the citizen S.D. was stopped during the sale of heroin weighing 0.31 grams.

After that, his car was also examined and operatives have found to 1.01 grams of marijuana and 0.5 ml of melted heroin in it.

According to the operative information obtained during the event, citizen Y.Sh. was detained by the participants of the event while selling heroin weighing 0.23 grams.

Also, during the operation, a citizen A.S. was stopped while selling a 5.1 gram of marijuana and 2 pills of "Regapen" pills in the box of matches.

Then a "Cobalt" car driven by the citizen A.S. was examined in the presence of witnesses in the prescribed manner, and weighed 3.7 grams of marijuana and 4 pills Regapen were found in it.

During the event, a total of 8.8 grams of marijuana and 6 pills of Regapen were seized as physical evidence.

A criminal case has been launched according to relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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