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Customs officers put an end to the opium poppy smuggling
Customs authorities are systematically fighting against the illicit trafficking of drugs.
Customs officers put an end to the opium poppy smuggling

In particular, the operatives of the State Customs Committee's department for Combating Smuggling and Customs violations held an operational event in Almazar district.

During the operation, the citizen I.N. and R.H. were suspended and searched in the prescribed manner.

As a result, it was found out that they had 11.17 grams of narcotic substance opium.

Then, at the event on Korasaray Street in Olmazor district, citizen Z.Z. and his house was searched in the prescribed manner and an opium weighing 9.64 grams was uncovered.

During the event, a total of 20.81 grams of narcotics were seized as material evidence.

Customs authorities are currently investigating the case


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