for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
357 million soums worth of non declared goods found in trucks
Customs officers timely prevent the facts of illegal movement of goods through the customs borders of our state.


The other day, as a result of a joint operational event held by employees of the Department for Combating Smuggling and Customs Violations and representatives of other law enforcement agencies of Tashkent, another violation of the illegal circulation of goods was stopped.

During the operational event, on the basis of the information received earlier, two Isuzu trucks were stopped and checked in accordance with the established procedure driven by citizens I.M. and M.Kh.

As a result of the inspection, illegally transported TV sets, about 12 thousand units of chewing gums, about 3 thousand units of medical supplies of unknown quality and much more were found inside the trucks. The drivers did not have accompanying documents for the discovered goods.

In total, goods worth 357 million soums were seized as material evidence.


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