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The "opium" hidden in Cobalt was exposed
Illegal production,storage, distribution and other illegal actions with drugs or psychotropic substances in our country is considered as a crime.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the systematic propagandistic work is being carried out on this issue, and the criminals are punished strictly, some people do not stop doing it. This is terrible.

An operational event was held yesterday in the Chirakchi district of Kashkadarya, by the anti-smuggling and counteraction to customs violations department of The Regional Customs administration in cooperation with representatives of law enforcement agencies. During the event, a Cobalt car belonging to a citizen X.S on Samarkand-Chirakchi highway was checked with attorneys. As a result,under the backseats of the car, the "opium" drug was seized secretly.

According to the expert of the regional department of internal affairs, the object of the incident was net weight of 7.7 grams of opium.

Currently, the investigation is under way.


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