for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
The Secretary-General of the World Customs Organization visited the modern transport logistics center
In the second half of the day the guest visited the “High Way Logistics Center” a modern transport logistics center, built on 14 hectares in Zangiota district.
The Secretary-General of the World Customs Organization visited the modern transport logistics center

There is a possibility of accepting 300 trucks simultaneously and established customs warehouse for goods storage under customs control. It is also good for entrepreneurs that the customs post of foreign economic activity "Ark Bulak" works at this logistics center.

Situating of representatives of various agencies, banks, logistics and brokerage organizations that provide permits for documents based on a single-source principle, installation of front-office service, modern X-ray equipment that fully meets world standards for scanning of cargo makes easy and fastens the process of customs control and registration.

It should be noted that such procedures as issuance of export contracts in customs authorities, provision of experts' conclusions for identification of foreign economic activity (FEA) goods nomenclature code were abolished, in general 10 types of permition documents for customs clearance were cancelled.

Participants of foreign economic activity are no longer interested in applying to customs brokers. They can deliver a customs cargo declaration directly to the Customs authorities via the Internet in real-time mode.

Starting from February 1, 2019, as an experience, special "front-office" groups, which provide free service on filling customs cargo declaration, were opened at the customs posts in the Tashkent region to support them in this process.

Our businessmen also have the opportunity to export goods and services worth not more than $ 5,000 based on a single invoice, without making a deal, with the help of payment through international payment systems.

In 2018, in customs sphere 17 types of information systems and 4 interactive services, including the "Integrated tariff" service were introduced. Thus, the number of information systems currently used by the Customs authorities has exceeded 40.

Due to the automated process of customs clearance, 99.9% of the total volume of customs cargo declarations is being processed electronically. Only 5 minutes are spent for reception, distributing and registering customs declarations, sent by entrepreneurs electronically to the Customs authorities on a remote basis. By the way, it took 2 hours before.

In order to ensure the security of the supply chain in international trade, 18 inspection complexes are being used for customs control in 16 automobile and railroad crossing customs posts. In 2018 and at the beginning of 2019, four railroad checkpoints were installed with inspection complexes worth $16 million.


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