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Now you can know the quantity of cars waiting in queues at the border customs post from Internet!
How many vehicles are at the border customs post? Find out online!

Now you can know the number of cars in the border customs post from the Internet!

The State Customs Committee provides another convenience for carriers and individuals leaving the country in light and cargo vehicles and on buses.

Nowadays, information about the number of passenger cars and buses, at the border checkpoints, is available on the online table at the State Customs Committee website

You just need to visit the official website of the State Customs Committee ( or "Information about the number of cars in the border checkpoints" at the section of "For individuals".

This table is integrated into the Automated Information System of the State Customs Committee, which is automatically updated every 6 hours - says Senior Inspector of the Customs Control Department Akmal Eshonov.  Additionly, this table also shows data about the number of vehicles entering or leaving the country within a day at border customs posts.

 First of all, this innovation prevents from traffic jams of  light and cargo vehicles  at the border customs post and  will also help the carriers to change the direction of traffic based on the number of turnstiles.

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State Customs Committee Information service



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