for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants
Swindlers extorting money from drivers were caught in "Yallama". Statements

On January 22, 2021, the official website of the State Customs Committee reported that offenders seeking to illegally obtain benefits worth 1.8 billion soums were exposed.


Customs clearance of imported oxygen concentrators is accelerated Statements

During the coronavirus pandemic, the need for artificial respiration equipment is increasing worldwide. Oxygen concentrators are especially important for patients with aggravated conditions.


Measures to combat COVID-19 (coronavirus) infection do not affect the movement of foreign trade goods Statements

To date, coronavirus infection is present in over 118 countries worldwide, taking into account the international epidemic of infection, a number of measures are being taken to ensure the penetration of coronavirus into the territory of the republic, its spread and sanitary-epidemiological wellbeing of the population.


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