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Drug couriers have been arrested
Customs officers are taking a number of measures to stop illegal drug trafficking.
Drug couriers have been arrested

In particular, the staff of the Department for Combating smuggling and customs violations of the Customs Service of Tashkent region and the State Security Service held an operation to prevent illegal drug trafficking in Chilanzar district of Tashkent.

During the event, a passenger of a Cobalt car parked in front of one of the shopping malls of our city, citizen B.A. was examined and during the search, it was found that the citizen had 0.3 grams of "marijuana" packed in 5,000 soum bill and 1.11 grams of "hashish" in 5 color packs in pockets.

Also, another citizen, K.D., who was traveling as a passenger in the vehicle, was examined. The inspection also revealed the presence of a substance similar to the drug "marijuana" with a net weight of 9.5 grams in 1 package.

At present, the customs authorities are investigating the above violations.


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