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State Customs Committee announces how much time it took for customs clearance of vehicles at border customs posts in 2019
The State Customs Committee published in the Open Data Portal information on the average time spent on customs clearance of cars and trucks at border customs posts in 2019.

In 2019, passenger and freight vehicles in the amount of 1.389.907 units moved through the border customs posts of our republic. The time spent on customs clearance of each vehicle is an average of 22 minutes 59 seconds.

In particular,

- the number of passenger vehicles is 824 thousand 103, and the time spent on customs clearance of one vehicle is an average of 18 minutes 36 seconds;

- the number of freight vehicles is 514 thousand 608, and the time spent on customs clearance of one vehicle is on average 26 minutes 17 seconds.

You can find detailed information in the context of each customs post in the Open Data Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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