for entrepreneurs and
FEA participants

On the introduction of amendments to the Instruction on the procedure for control of postal, courier mail safety
Order by the Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development of information technology and communication dated 11.02.2019, registration number 2428-3, valid from February 12, 2015

About considering as invalid the Procedure for registration of foreign trade contracts in the customs bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also modification and additions in it
Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 14, 2015, registration number 832-11, Effective February 14, 2015

About considering as invalid of the Decision on confirmation of the Instruction on filling of the declaration of the customs value of commodities, and also the changes and amendments to it
Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the RUz No.2013-2 dated 29.01.2019, valid from 30.01.2019

On Amendments to the chapter 1.2 of the Regulations on Use of Mortgage by Customs Authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Resolution of the State Customs Committee of the RUz dtd 21.01.2019 No.757-3, valid from January 22, 2016

On the introduction of amendments and supplements to Regulations on a procedure for collection of fees for the entry and transit of motor vehicles of foreign states in the Republic of Uzbekistan
The resolution of Management of Central Bank and State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan from January 14, 2006 of No.2694-2, valid from 15.01.2015

On Amendment to Paragraph 5.6 of the Rules of Customs Control over International Postal and courier shipment
It is approved as the order of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan from January 14, 2006 of No. 896-5 from 15.01.2019


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